Achieving your goals is hard enough. Don't let a lack of Self-Awareness slow down your progress. When you are unwilling to see yourself as you are - shortcomings and all - you set yourself up to fall victim to those exact shortcomings. Develop your ability to be real with yourself and get TF out of your own way, Cutie!
*Our four areas of focus this month will be in these areas of development:
Week 1 - Self-Care 101
Week 2 - Finances 101
Week 3 - Emotional IQ
Week 4 - Accountability 101
Self-Care 101
How much downtime do you need to ensure you're refreshed and ready to go when it's time to GO? Do you need 2 pedicures a month or 3? How many hours in your schedule do you need to dedicate to yourself? Finding the answers to these questions is a great way to practice "self-awareness."
Finances 101
Spending money is fun...but it's SO MUCH MORE fun when you spend wisely. Being aware of your spending/saving habits as well as the ideas that you've learned over the years about money will help you provide an ENTIRELY new level of financial security & freedom for yourself.
Emotional Intelligence 101
You don't need to "control" your emotions in order to feel like you are being aware of them. Most times, it's just about "feeling" them and learning from them. It takes courage to feel your feelings because not all of them actually "feel" good. This month, try your best to simply acknowledge what you are feeling. That is a good place to start.
Accountability 101
When you become aware of your own bullshit AND make meaningful change as a result, you are practicing accountability. Make this a normal thing and watch how your life changes for the better.
Achieving your goals is hard enough. Don't let a lack of Self-Awareness slow down your progress. When you are unwilling to see yourself as you are - shortcomings and all - you set yourself up to fall victim to those exact shortcomings. Develop your ability to be real with yourself and get TF out of your own way, Cutie!
*Our four areas of focus this month will be in these areas of development:
Week 1 - Self-Care 101
Week 2 - Finances 101
Week 3 - Emotional IQ
Week 4 - Accountability 101
Self-Care 101
How much downtime do you need to ensure you're refreshed and ready to go when it's time to GO? Do you need 2 pedicures a month or 3? How many hours in your schedule do you need to dedicate to yourself? Finding the answers to these questions is a great way to practice "self-awareness."
Finances 101
Spending money is fun...but it's SO MUCH MORE fun when you spend wisely. Being aware of your spending/saving habits as well as the ideas that you've learned over the years about money will help you provide an ENTIRELY new level of financial security & freedom for yourself.
Emotional Intelligence 101
You don't need to "control" your emotions in order to feel like you are being aware of them. Most times, it's just about "feeling" them and learning from them. It takes courage to feel your feelings because not all of them actually "feel" good. This month, try your best to simply acknowledge what you are feeling. That is a good place to start.
Accountability 101
When you become aware of your own bullshit AND make meaningful change as a result, you are practicing accountability. Make this a normal thing and watch how your life changes for the better.
Cutie Booty Media™ defines an Emotional Gangsta as someone who possesses the Emotional capacity to face life's emotional curveballs. Someone who stays ready emotionally so they don't have to get ready emotionally! Do you have the emotional intelligence to navigate your next meeting that will include the company of that one co-worker that LOVES to Mansplain processes to you in front of everyone? Do you have the Emotional Intelligence to navigate infidelity? What about hidden animosity? Can you Emotionally navigate those waters effectively? If not, don't fear. That is why we created these classes. We want to create a gang of Emotional Gangsta's that can handle every one of the emotional challenges mentioned above as well as those we've yet to encounter....we just want you to stay ready so you don't have to get ready!
Our Emotional Gangsta Training® Classes use our Real, Raw, Rare Method® to provide Cuties the emotional conditioning needed to develop their Self-Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, and Social Awareness.
How would you describe your ability to create on-the-spot emotionally controlled responses to disrespect?
How would you describe your initial response to discovering your close friend has been talking badly about you behind your back?
How would you describe your response to your Male supervisor 'mansplaining' or speaking to you in. patronizing manner?
CONGRATULATIONS! If you were able to be HONEST with yourself about your emotional responses to those scenarios, you just engaged in self-awareness! See? That wasn't so hard was it? That's basically what we teach here at Cutie Booty Media, INC. We teach women about potential emotional blind spots so they can strengthen them in preparation for life's emotional fast balls! Now let's get into how Classes work!
how classes work
Classes are self-administered. This means that the initial challenge of our Classes is 'initiative' because without initiative you can do nothing, Cutie. We can't make you do anything. Nobody forced the creator of this space to create this space. They took INITIATIVE to create it. We are simply informing you that in order to 'Feel Cute™ you MUST take initiative toward achieving it. Our Classes are a convenient place to start. However, if classes are too much of a commitment for you right now say less. We got you. Feel Cute™ when you see what's under our 'Media' tab. Study the Emotional Intelligence of artists like Mary J. Blige, Alicia Keys and Jazmine Sullivan under our 'Music' tab. Wanna Feel Cute™ in REAL LIFE? Check out our 'Videos' tab. And if you need something during the week stay tuned! We're working on bringing our content to social media! There are a variety of ways for you to Feel Cute™ if you're not ready for classes! Just take a look around in our Main Menu and GET ACTIVE!
Woman can and should be their most authentic selves without feeling the need to perform for external validation
Women are allowed to be a work in progress. Women's issues & challenges do not have to make sense to Men in order to be valid.
Women are allowed to reject any and all predetermined lifestyle molds especially the ones created by and for the world.
Women balancing their Realness, Rawness, and Rareness is how to 'Feel Cute.'