Achieving your goals is hard enough. Don't let a lack of Self-Awareness slow down your progress. When you are unwilling to see yourself as you are - shortcomings and all - you set yourself up to fall victim to those exact shortcomings. Develop your ability to be real with yourself and get TF out of your own way, Cutie!
*Our four areas of focus this month will be in these areas of development:
Week 1 - Self-Care 101
Week 2 - Finances 101
Week 3 - Emotional IQ
Week 4 - Accountability 101
Self-Care 101
How much downtime do you need to ensure you're refreshed and ready to go when it's time to GO? Do you need 2 pedicures a month or 3? How many hours in your schedule do you need to dedicate to yourself? Finding the answers to these questions is a great way to practice "self-awareness."
Finances 101
Spending money is fun...but it's SO MUCH MORE fun when you spend wisely. Being aware of your spending/saving habits as well as the ideas that you've learned over the years about money will help you provide an ENTIRELY new level of financial security & freedom for yourself.
Emotional Intelligence 101
You don't need to "control" your emotions in order to feel like you are being aware of them. Most times, it's just about "feeling" them and learning from them. It takes courage to feel your feelings because not all of them actually "feel" good. This month, try your best to simply acknowledge what you are feeling. That is a good place to start.
Accountability 101
When you become aware of your own bullshit AND make meaningful change as a result, you are practicing accountability. Make this a normal thing and watch how your life changes for the better.

Achieving your goals is hard enough. Don't let a lack of Self-Awareness slow down your progress. When you are unwilling to see yourself as you are - shortcomings and all - you set yourself up to fall victim to those exact shortcomings. Develop your ability to be real with yourself and get TF out of your own way, Cutie!
*Our four areas of focus this month will be in these areas of development:
Week 1 - Self-Care 101
Week 2 - Finances 101
Week 3 - Emotional IQ
Week 4 - Accountability 101
Self-Care 101
How much downtime do you need to ensure you're refreshed and ready to go when it's time to GO? Do you need 2 pedicures a month or 3? How many hours in your schedule do you need to dedicate to yourself? Finding the answers to these questions is a great way to practice "self-awareness."
Finances 101
Spending money is fun...but it's SO MUCH MORE fun when you spend wisely. Being aware of your spending/saving habits as well as the ideas that you've learned over the years about money will help you provide an ENTIRELY new level of financial security & freedom for yourself.
Emotional Intelligence 101
You don't need to "control" your emotions in order to feel like you are being aware of them. Most times, it's just about "feeling" them and learning from them. It takes courage to feel your feelings because not all of them actually "feel" good. This month, try your best to simply acknowledge what you are feeling. That is a good place to start.
Accountability 101
When you become aware of your own bullshit AND make meaningful change as a result, you are practicing accountability. Make this a normal thing and watch how your life changes for the better.

step 1
We gon' virtually hold your hand when we say this: Be for real, Cutie. Be real with yourself about your choices especially if they're trash. FYI? This step is supposed feel uncomfortable. You're putting a mirror up to yourself. That's tough. Do you know how many people DON'T reflect on their choices? Do you KNOW how that makes them FEEL? Just look around and see how everyone is 'handling' NOT reflecting on their choices. How's THAT going? If you don't want those results, you're GOING to have to develop the emotional resilience to reflect on your poor choices. Doing so will allow you to identify the changes you KNOW you need to make to feel cute™. Be for real: You can't feel cute™ without lookin' in the mirror, Cutie. Be
step 2
Wisdom is good judgement. Wisdom will never do you wrong. Wisdom also means choosing wise thoughts for yourself. You become what you think about Cutie. If that's the case, shouldn't you spend your thinking time on things that are wise? Here's where the magic happens: Take some time to dream about the Woman YOU want to become. Take. Your. Time. Don't rush this. You may want to rush this, but practice being wise and do not rush this part. Sit with yourself and ask yourself: "Who do I really want to become?" When you do this, you give your brain an interesting problem to solve and one thing about your brain, it LOVES solving problems! "Who is this Woman? What does this Woman do for a living? What does this Woman do to feel cute™?" All kinds of questions start popping up in your head when you start focusing on WHO you TRULY desire to be. The answers to those question are also linked with the behaviors you NEED TO CHOOSE in order to become. So get to thinking and choosing and acting like your future self, Cutie.

step 3
It's EXCITING to set out on a journey to become a better you BUT you need a strategy routed in wisdom, Cutie. Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Consult (down to earth) experts. Create a plan. Change your plan but never the Goal. Build a solid support system and get rid of every weak link in your circle. Get that diet in order and don't slack on that exercise part, neither. Act. Wisely. Wise action is one of the BEST most TIME EFFICIENT ways to invest in your future self. Get active but be wise about it.

Can you be REAL and self-aware about how your poor choices make you feel?
Can you be emotionally raw and sit with the discomfort of owning your poor choices?
Can you be courageous enough to be RARE about how you choose your future?

Can we talk about how uncomfortable it is to work on yourself? Cause we can do exactly that in the Cutie Chat under the 'Talk Cute' tab in our Main Menu!