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"We want Women to be 'Real' about the 'Raw' they feel about themselves, so that they can use that information to create a 'Rare' life they deeply desire AND we want them to live it unapologetically. That's what realness, rawness, and rareness means to me." ~Sanni B. The Creator or Cutie Booty Media™, INC. Realness. Rawness. Rareness. If you think about the Women who actually effected the course of history, she was Real, she was Raw, and she was Rare. Now, what's the story behind 'Real, Raw, and Rare?' That's actually our story of how we came to be. You can check it out by clicking the 'Our Story' tab located under the 'About Us' tab in the main menu. Now, let's get back to how we incorporate Realness, Rawness, and Rareness into our content.






Realness balances your Rawness which also balances your rareness. The Cutie Booty Challenge ultimately is performing a balancing act out of all 3 of these qualities in yourself. We created The Cutie Booty Magazine to teach you how to do that and you can learn more at TheCutieBootyMagazine.Com. Now let's get into this Real, Raw, and Rare philosophy.



In the Merriam-Webster dictionary 'Real' is an adjective and defined as "Behaving or presented in a way that feels true, honest, or familiar and without pretention and without affectation." Pay close attention to the 'without pretention and without affectation.' Do you know what 'Affectation' means? If you don't that's PERFECT! This is the part that matters so much! 'Affectation' is a noun and is defined as "Behavior, speech, or writing that ARTIFICAL and designed to IMPRESS." The difference is clear but if it isn't we will double down by saying this: we want to help Women first discover how Dope they are THEN begin using what they find to craft their lives. We use real inspiration from real Women to craft our real products due simply to the definitions of these two words.



In the Oxford Languages Online Dictionary 'raw' has several definitions but the ones that stand out to us about this adjective are the following two: 1.) (of an emotion or quality) strong and undisguised. 2.) (of a person) new to an activity or job and therefore lacking experience or skill. Again, this word has many definitions but for the purpose of The Cuties we want to focus on the 'strong and undisguised' and 'lacking experience and skill,' parts. A lot of the content we talk about is new for a lot of Women. Women are taught to prioritize everyone else emotionally even to the detriment of our own health. Look, we understand that part of feminism is understanding that is a Woman desires to dedicate her life to her family and prioritize everyone over herself, if that is what she TRULY WANTS we support that wholeheartedly here at Cutie Booty Media, INC! We want Women too choose! That's that 'raw' part! We accept you in your raw, 'undiguised' self! No matter how 'strong' you 'feel' about something we want to support that ESPECIALLY if it's not infringing on the choices of other Cuties! THOSE CHOICES ARE THE BEST CHOICES, CUTIE! The 'rawness' of you...the part of you that you may NOT be familiar with because you got caught up choosing other people when the 'strong' and 'undisguised' you TRULY wanted to develop yourself? That part? That's what 'Raw' is all about. We want Women to get 'raw' and 'undisguised' with themselves about what they want out of their lives so that we're not living someone else's life. When Women pursue their own path and not the path others have laid out before her that is where the 'lacking skills and experience' part comes in. You're courageously chartering unknown territories withint and without yourself. We don't know about you but that's Raw as F*ck!



In the Oxford Languages Online Dictionary 'rare' has several definitions for this adjective as well and we like them all! 1.) (of an event, situation, or condition) not occuring very often. 2.) (of a thing) not found in large numbers and consequently of intetest or value. 3.) unusually good or remarkable! Yep! We LOVE all those definitions because they pinpoint WHY we put a focus on Rareness in the first place! We KNOW that you are rare but we want YOU TO KNOW that YOU are rare! This is why rareness is so important. Sometimes we fail to see it.







Woman can and should be their most authentic selves without feeling the need to perform for external validation

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Women are allowed to be a work in progress.  Women's issues & challenges do not have to make sense to Men in order to be valid.

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Women are allowed to reject any and all predetermined lifestyle molds especially the ones created by and for the world.

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Women balancing their Realness, Rawness, and Rareness is how to 'Feel Cute.'

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